A Bayer employee, Beth Savidge, noticed a burrowing owl hanging out in their equipment yard this winter.
Beth contacted Catherine Portman, Executive Director of the Burrowing Owl Preservation Society. Catherine offered to install an artificial burrow as there were no squirrels and very few natural burrows existing on the property. Bayer gave permission to install burrows and allowed Catherine to invite two UC students to observe.
As underground infrastructure was unknown, the digging was done by hand shovel! Many thanks to Bayer employee, Dale Val who staffed the shovel!
Bayer employees will monitor the burrow as we wait to see if a breeding pair find the open space and new deluxe burrow, or if dispersing young will find it in September, or if the winter migrant will use it upon its return.
Thanks to Bayer for allocating resources to this burrowing owl conservation project and contributing to the education of UC students by allowing them on the property to observe.